How To Grow Strawberry At Home Or Strawberry Cultivation At Home

How To Grow Strawberry At Home Or Strawberry Cultivation At Home

Strawberry Cultivation: With the onset of winters, the craze for strawberries also increases. This red colored fruit has become everyone’s favorite because of its taste. There are 600 varieties of strawberries in the world. Most of these varieties can be grown at home. This fruit, rich in the properties of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, is helpful in eliminating wrinkles and fine lines from the face with the help of lycopene. Overall, strawberries have a great effect on health and skin. For all these benefits, now you can plant a strawberry plant in a pot at home. If you want, you can grow a plant from its seeds too. For this, there is a lot of frills. It is not necessary, but according to your convenience, it can be installed from any empty container to pot, pot and hanging pot.

prepare the planter
To grow strawberries at home, first you have to prepare a planter. For this, you can use any fancy container or earthen pot to glass vase or plastic bottle. Keep in mind that the depth of the container should be at least 12-14 inches. If the planter is wide then it will be easy for the plant to spread. Now put plant mills in it, in which from loamy soil to neem cake, cocopeat, vermicompost and bio fertilizer can also be added.

For strawberry gardening, you can buy plants from the nursery or you can also order seeds online and plant them in pots. Seeds take some time to germinate, so buying a plant will be more beneficial. In this way, the plant starts getting fruits within a month and in 2 months the fruits become red and sweet after ripening. Their harvesting can be taken between January-February.

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take care of the plant
Very few people do not know the trick to get good production from strawberry plant. Our farmers have been using this trick for many centuries. We are talking about mulching. Mulch the grass around the pot. In this way the moisture remains in the soil and the plant starts growing rapidly. In this way, you can take the production of fruits much earlier. Just keep the plant in a shady place.

  • Sometimes pests or diseases are also applied to the delicate plant of strawberry. Often birds also destroy plants. In such a situation, the plant can also be covered with a net.
  • Keep in mind that after every 15 days add compost or kitchen waste fertilizer to the plant. You can also spray it with water. In this way the plant gets all the nutrients.
  • Although the strawberry plant planted in the pot gives fruits till February-March, but after harvesting, care has to be taken to keep the plant healthy till the second season.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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